About me

So, of course, after reading seeing my home page, you instantly wondered to yourself: Who's the amazingly hot guy who made this website? And why do I want to have hot steamy intercourse with him?

Fear not, my friend, for I shall answer thy questions.

I'm Ignacio Bywaters, more commonly known as Creighton or Trinkets. Call me however you prefer! I like all things cute, wacky and grimdark. My favourite colour is rust brown, and my favourite animals are spiders, scorpions, rabbits and horses. I love Yume Nikki and its fangames, the Dark Souls series (including Demon's, Bloodborne, Sekiro and Elden Ring), Warhammer 40k, the Mother series, Homestuck, Nichijou, and a lot of other things, but I think this already shows my general tastes in fiction. My favourite movie is Monty Python and the Holy Grail (love the show too!), and I generally listen to really cheerful J-Pop, but I also like to listen to Metal and Punk sometimes. My favourite kind of music is the kind that combines modern instruments with old instruments like harpischords and violins (really specific, but I haven't really found if that style has a name).

As for hobbies, aside from gaming, reading and all that that everyone does, I really like painting miniatures, playing Dungeons and Dragons, and studying history (but in a cool way, not in a "guy who is only interested in wars and can name 7 variants of the Panzer tank" way).

I live in Chile, and I can speak both Spanish and English, though my spoken English isn't very good. I'm very catholic too, or at least I like to think so.

Don't really have much else to say, so I'll end it here. Cheers!